Discover the ultimate in luxury with the Eloise Sectional Sofa. Combining premium comfort and contemporary elegance, this spacious sectional features a high-quality fabric that beautifully complements any home decor. The chaise provides a perfect place to relax, while the deep cushions ensure optimal comfort for both lounging and entertaining guests. With its sleek and modern design, the Eloise sectional makes for a stunning centerpiece in any room, from cozy family spaces to sophisticated living rooms. Complete with six plush throw pillows, it offers both functional seating and a touch of refined charm. Whether you're hosting guests, unwinding with a good book, or enjoying family movie nights, the Eloise sectional is the perfect seating solution for every occasion.
Color: Beige
Upholstery Material: Chenille
Leg Color: Black
• Left-Facing Chaise • 6 Throw Pillows • 18" Seat Height • 64" Seat Width • 29.5" Seat Depth • 19" Seat Back Height • 23.5" Arm Height • 1"H Black Plastic Leg • Foam filled seat cushions
We will always shop for quality furniture with this company. 👍
My wife and I purchased a sofa/loveseat set and 8 PCR dining room set. We love everything and after freight still saved 1,400.00. We will always shop for quality furniture with this company. 👍
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